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The following is a collection of carefully curated techniques to help you manage anxiety and stress. 
These have good evidence behind them. Find a few that work for you!

Creative Thoughts

Recognize the top 10
cognitive distortions we make when we are stressed.  Which do you do most? Then practice challenging them.

Soothing Bell

Mindfullness isn't just for enlightened gurus.  Sometimes it can mean just letting a feeling wash over you and move on like a wave.  Try integrating these practices (from DBT & MBSR) into your day to deal with big emotions


A CBT worksheet to practice understanding your automatic thoughts and developing rational reframes.

Tattooed Wrists

Are you talking to yourself the way you would a friend, or are you name-calling and stressing yourself out with judgement?  Practice self-compassion to counteract negative scripts.

Image by Moritz Kindler

Difficulty controlling worry? Schedule time to do it on purpose!  Sounds strange, I know, but worry journaling is a proven technique!


Know the difference between Solution-focused and emotion-focused coping strategies and when to use each.


Name it to claim it.  Putting words to your emotions can make you feel less out of control.  Switch out vague words like "bad" or "upset" for specific emotion words like "regretful" or "angry".

Scooter Fun

Distract yourself from worry with alternative activities. Here's a list of over 300 rewarding behaviors!

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